The contraceptive slimming factor pill
The contraceptive slimming factor pill is designed to regulate your hormones, and to prevent an egg being released into a woman's ovaries each month, thereby stopping any chance of pregnancy taking place. It contains a combination of estrogen and progestogen, which is specifically formulated to stop ovulation occurring. When taken in correct dosage, at the same time each day, it has a 99% chance of stopping pregnancy.
What most women don't realize when trying to get pregnant, however, is that if you have just come off slimming factor g1 pill, your body needs several months to adjust its hormone levels, before you can even think about trying for a baby. When trying to conceive your body needs to be in the best shape it can be, and if your body is shaking off the effects of the pill then this is going to make your chances of getting pregnant a lot less likely.
Your body's hormones are all over the place when you're taking the pill, and your body can take more than a few months to regulate it after you stop taking it. This is especially the case when your body has not been releasing eggs each month due to using the pill, and all of a sudden the pill usage stops. But, just because you stop using the pill, doesn't mean that everything returns to normal straight away. It can take several months for ovulation to re-commence and it is during this time that you should find ways to improve your health and well-being, lose weight if necessary, and get your diet and lifestyle on track so that when the time is right, everything is in place which makes conception a lot easier and much more effective.