A balanced slimming factor diet
A balanced slimming factor diet is the foundation of any good exercise program. When training, a 40-30-30 ratio is optimal, where 40 percent of your calories come from various carbohydrates such as whole grains, 30 percent of your calories come from protein sources such as post workout shakes, meats, and dairy, and 30 percent of your calories come from multiple different sources of good fats that aren't saturated or hydrogenated. Some foods that are a good idea to include in your fat burning diet are eggs, cheese, oatmeal, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as large amounts of water, which helps your digestive system process the food that you have been eating.
While eating enough food is necessary to maintain your energy levels and muscles, it is important to not eat too much food. In general, you should never dip below 1500 calories per day, but should also never eat so much that you start to gain weight again. To measure your weight loss, it is always a good idea to weigh xian zhi su yourself in the morning and at night every day, and record your weights in an exercise log, as well as what you ate and how much you worked out.